I am always up early, usually by 5:30am and one of the first to appear at the human kitchen in search of a morning coffee. It is a great time to watch the dogs playing in the cooler morning air as the sun quickly rises over the hill. Breakfast time is shared with many of the dogs, although they are not to be fed our food as it can often lead to quarrels amongst them and besides they have a plentiful supply of nutritious kibble and fresh water.
Poo patrol this morning, it is our turn again for elephant clean
up time. We got through the mornings chores quickly and finished with time to
spare, so we pruned the bamboo hedge
growing around the parking lot and meet-up point. The leaves were plucked from
the cuttings to feed to the elephants, so as is so often the case here, there
is not much wasted.
I had felt tired today; I think partly due to it being day
11 of not so much hard work, but being constantly on the go. The air quality was also
quite poor today too and several of the volunteers I talked with felt a bit sluggish. I
ate well (which is not hard to do here) and kept hydrated and I had a nap for
an hour before we met up for the afternoon assignment.
An after work tubing trip was
delayed as one of the other volunteer groups were out and we had to wait for
their return to have enough inner tubes for all of us. Some of decided that a
dip in the river would be enough water time and we went swimming in our
favourite spot, just upstream from where the elephants bathe. We hadn’t been
there long when Lek came down to the river and asked us if we would mind
sharing the water with the baby elephant. We were all a bit puzzled, what did she mean?
Was she joking? The volunteer Coordinators are always pulling our leg about
what is happening next, but Lek was serious. Navann was soon in sight accompanied
by his mother Sri Prae and auntie Kam Pam.
We were ecstatic; surely this was going to be the highlight of the whole
trip! What an amazing experience, to bathe and swim
with a baby elephant and his family …. just incredible, something I will never