I was awake and up out of bed early, spending the morning walking the streets of the old city. It wasn't too hot in the day yet, about 26c (77f) and easy to get around. I followed Ratchadamnoen Road west until I hit the moat and after checking in at the ENP office, I headed south from there.
Following the moat on the south side and the remnants of the city wall, I cut-back through the busy streets and into a market, winding my way back to the hotel.
This afternoon I headed out in search of some necessities (the toiletries I didn't have in my carry-on bag, a change of clothes and a pair of swim shorts) given that my luggage won't arrive until almost midnight tonight and I don't really feel like doing another emergency laundry in the bathroom sink! Dinner tonight was Chicken Pad Thai and Mango with sticky rice accompanied by a Chang beer - all for $6.
I have probably walked several miles today, which makes up for the 17 or more hours I spent in plane seats yesterday! This afternoon's temperature was in the upper 30's (100f) but with lots of water breaks and iced coffees, I did pretty good. It is a fascinating city. Crossing the street is an adventure in itself.
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